Monday, October 20, 2008

Catching up

Its been a while since I've posted, but unfortunately for the readers of this blog I plan to put them through some more misery before I'm done.

First of: 'Grats to MBA-veggie and Middle of Nowhere for securing the first known admits of the 09 mba blogosphere, and almost surely this is just a start.

As for me life has been kind of meh over the past couple of weeks. Nothing even remotely exciting is happening except that the Indian cricket team is whipping some creamy Australian ass back home. Oh and I finally finished "Frasier" on Netflix. Frasier has almost always been my favourite sitcom, followed closely by Seinfeld, and frankly the deadpan, snobby/snootish, understated and most importantly the refined play-on-word-humor (compared to the blatant physical humor of friends) of Frasier has always had me cracking.

When it comes to the dreaded GMAT preps, much to my non-astonishment I havent made an iota of progress, ah but theres always tomorrow.
Random links/news away from this blog:
Some new priceless sites where I can be found wasting my time:

For you Dark Knight junkies, theres a Bob out there (no seriously the guy's name actually is Bob) making the bat-tumbler and batmobile from scratch. Place your orders with Bob here. View of Bob's home-made bat-tumbler:

Finally some balla-timepieces that successful poker players love to flaunt at the table (snaps taken by Nat Arem at the World Poker Tour 08 Final table):

Finally heres something that I decided to get for myself as a part of the me-too crowd (this is my first shopping spree of any kind in well over 8 months, so indulge me for a second)

Its a Breitling Super Avenger, waiting for its arrival with bated breath !!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A quick buck=running good in life

Those of you who follow this blog might remember this post where I said:

In this week's OMG news: I won a seat via an online mega-satellite (1k buy-in) to the Europeon Poker Tour-London No-Limit-Holdem Championship event, starting October 5th at the Victoria Casino, London. By winning the satellite, I get my buy-in (10k) for the tourney waived, free hotel, free food, free air-fare. I only need to get the visa and everything else is pretty much taken care of, EXCEPT of course freaking work. With a bunch of projects being worked on, my manager is going to flip out if I ask for vacation, lets see how things work out. If I cant make it to London, then I can probably keep the value of the seat I won.

Well as it turned out I could not make it to LOndon due to work commitments, but being the degenerate gambler, I wanted a part of the action anyway. So after several back and forth PMs and emails and AOLs, I bought 10% of Eric Liu's action. In the poker world, in big-buyin (entry fee) live tournaments (such as the 10k EPT london), often players will try and get an insurance by selling a part of their action, that is a backer takes a 10% stake in the player's buy-in and whatever profits (if any) the player makes, the backer takes 10% of that.

Anyhoo to cut a long story short, I had a 10kseat already that I couldnt play in, so I redeemed the seat value for money and bought 10% of Eric's action(incidentally I bought 10% stake in 3 other players for a net 4k investment). And while 3 of my 4 horses came out duds, Eric hit the motherload as he finished 4th --> results here , for a $470k payday for him and a $47k payday for me. I am running really really good in life at the moment, but my taxes are going to get super-complicated next year.

Good luck to all those waiting for your MBA admission results, godspeed.....

PS: I found this interesting blog post by Steve Jacobs (known in the online poker world as stevesbets), he is a Upenn undergrad who dropped out of penn's grad school to play poker professionally (over 1/2 a mill in winnings in 2 years he played pro poker) and last year had applied to several top b-schools (got into fordham, nyc), but was rejected by wharton. He went absolutely ballistic because of the wharton rejection and his follow-up with Wharton and the whole experience associated with that is a very very good read.